
Bible Reading Plan-1Year

     Tomorrow we will be starting the Daily Bible 1 Year Reading Plan in Chronological Order by Blue Letter Bible . . Here are the first two days of the plan: Day 1. Genesis 1-3 Day 2. Genesis 4-7 On Sunday’s we will post the plan for the week. I pray that you will be blessed as you draw closer to God through his word!  If you’d like the whole plan up front, please visit the link below    

Bible Reading Plan- 1 Year

Ever read through the entire Bible? Ever read it in chronological order? Well we have a plan for you! 🤩  On January 1st we will begin a Bible plan to read through the entire Bible in a year. Wait, it gets better! We will also be reading it in chronological order. Stay tuned for details as we work on the list for the entire year. Are you excited yet? I know I am!😃 

December Bible Reading Plan

This month we are reading through the book of Luke, one chapter per day.  There are 24 Chapters in the book of Luke. On Christmas Eve you would have read an entire account of Jesus’ life and wake up Christmas morning knowing Who and Why we celebrate. 🎁 💝  Please comment and let us know if you’ve been following along or if you plan on following. 
The term "boots on the ground" is a military term used to describe soldiers who are engaged in active combat rather than just being at war. These soldiers have already been trained to engage the enemy. I believe this term speaks about us as Christians in the Lord's army as well. We are warriors of God, who the Lord has been training for battle, and are about to be released. We are being released to engage the enemy in the spiritual realm. As Christians we all have our place in the Lord's army...every gift, every calling has a purpose; to destroy the works of the evil one! We will be able to do this by being submitted to the Lord, on every level. The Lord equips those he calls, we only need to answer His call, and allow Him to work through us, and he will strengthen us, and give us all we need to be victorious.  Church, its time to engage, it's time to step into the enemies territory, its time for boots on the ground! "Beat your plowshares into sw

An honest look.

An Honest look.   Have you ever taken a moment to see what your heart is full of?  We all have a concept on how we view God. These concepts may come from things we were taught as a child or from life experiences that left a negative lasting effect on our emotions. A wounded heart can cause us to struggle with how we perceive God, and how we think He sees us. As we go through life, we pick up on so many negative things that add to the way we feel about ourselves, and although many of these things are not true, we tend to listen to the enemy when he tries to tell us who we are. Why is it easier to believe what the enemy says about us and not God? The bible says in  John 8:44  that Satan is the father of lies, but yet, we somehow easily believe what he says about us. If left unchecked, this can harm our self esteem as well as hinder our walk with the Lord. Unresolved issues will always rear their ugly head if not dealt with, and it will definitely hinder you from being all God call

The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness Dr.Jane Wamucii and I discuss the importance of forgiveness as well as the misconceptions that keep us from releasing that forgiveness. Please click on the link below and listen. Blessings!
An Honest look at your heart  Have you ever taken a moment to see what your heart is full of?  We all have a concept on how we view God. These concepts may come from things we were taught as a child or from life experiences that left a negative lasting effect on our emotions. A wounded heart can cause us to struggle with how we perceive God, and how we think He sees us. As we go through life, we pick up on so many negative things that add to the way we feel about ourselves, and although many of these things are not true, we tend to listen to the enemy when he tries to tell us who we are. Why is it easier to believe what the enemy says about us and not God? The bible says in John 8:44 that Satan is the father of lies, but yet, we somehow easily believe what he says about us. If left unchecked, this can harm our self esteem as well as hinder our walk with the Lord. Unresolved issues will always rear their ugly head if not dealt with, and it will definitely hinder you from b